Physics 567: Thermodynamcis of Building Design and Efficiency

Distance Learning Content

Class SessionVideoScansPosted
Class SessionVideoScansPosted
Sept. 1 and 3 Building Energy Overview Sept. 3
Sept. 8 and 10 Summary of week 2 topics Sept. 15
Notes from class on how to calculate head loss for fluid flowing turbulently through a pipe and scans of pipe roughness, moody chart, and discussion of major, minor head loss. Oct. 1
Notes from class on how quickly heat flows into a pipe when it is either: 1 exposed to either a constant flux heat source or 2 the pipe's surface is kept at a constant temperature. There are also notes on the rate of heat flow due to radiation.. Additionally here are some Notes on the problem we worked today in class and the table containing Pr, mu, kT, and cp for water (both liquid and vapor). Oct. 8