"In no way is this speech related to intellect or thinking."(Luria, 1992) In this stage a child uses speech to control the behavior ofothers. A child uses speech to express simple thoughts and emotions such ascrying, laughter and shouting.
An example of speech in this stage is "Iwant milk."
This is typically the type of speech found in a three to seven year old. "Itserves as a bridge between the primitive and highly public social speech of thefirst stage and the more sophisticated and highly private inner speech of thethird stage." (Lefrancois, 1994) In this stage, children often talk tothemselves, regardless of someone listening to them. They things out loud in anattempt to guide their own behavior. They may speak about what they are doingas they do it. They reason that language must be spoken if it is to directtheir behavior.
Ex. A child in school who counts out loud one block at a time saying each number as he/she goes along to get five.
This is the final stage of speech development. It is inner, soundlessspeech. This is the type of speech used by older children and adults. Thistype of speech allows us to direct our thinking and behavior. Once one hasreached this final stage they are able to engage in all forms of higher mentalfunctions. In this stage one is able to "count in one's head, use logicalmemory- inherent relationships, and inner signs." (Hanfmann, 1962) .
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