Examples of Kohlberg's ideas in U.S. Congressional Debates
The following are actual quotations from U.S. debates on a resolutionsupporting the administration's policy on Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. (seereference below)Arguments Against U.S. Involvement:
- "We shouldn' t consider war..." "because it would hurt oureconomy..."(Stage 1).
- "because we' ll have more money for domestic issues..."(Stage 2).
- "because we don' t want to appear too militaristic..."(Stage 3).
- "because war is killing and killing is against the law..."(Stage4).
- "even though the situation is bad, war is damaging to people andproperty and society agrees that is bad..."(Stage 5).
- "although atrocities have been committed, it would be an even greateratrocity to wage war..." (Stage 6).
Arguments For U.S. Involvement
- "We should consider war" "because our oil isthreatened...." (Stage 1)
- "because we can gain security of the oil supply..." (Stage 2)
- "because we don't want the world to see us as weak...."(Stage 3)
- "because the U.N. has laid down written resolutions which should beupheld..."(Stage 4)
- "the situation is extreme enough that society's rights are threatenedand need to be defended..." (Stage 5)
- "evil is on the march, and it would be morally wrong to allow it tocontinue...."(Stage 6)
Reference: Shapiro, Johnna, K. (1995). Dr. Kohlberg goes toWashington: Using Congressional debates to teach moral development. Teachingof Psychology, 22(4): 245-247.